Membership Management System

1. Silkstart

Free trial, klik here..

2. Applane Education

Price= Lite (free upto 300 students), Basic $24(students/year), Pro Custom(contact sales)

3. Starchapter

4. Memberplanet (for group)

5. Tendency

free trial, klik here..

6. Clubexpress

7. Groupspaces

8. ESXinc

Kesimpulan :

Saya sedang mencoba Silkstart Free Trial dan dapat dilihat  disini.. Didalam Silkstart terdapat fitur-fitur seperti  events, articles, blogs, groups, home, feed, direcory, dan profile. Menurut saya ini cukup bagus digunakan sebagai media menampung groups(community).

Terima Kasih.

Yourmembership Competitor

Berdasarkan hasil pencarian dari Yourmembership Competitor terdapat 3 versi, yaitu:

a.  14 Options for Managing Membership Websites

Disini dijelaskan bahwa  pada Yourmembership  terdapat Harga termasuk biaya setup satu kali $ 1.495 (termasuk desain situs ) dan $ 5.995 per tahun . Dari sekian banyak list, yang lebih mendekati dengan Yourmembership menurut saya adalah Wildapricot yaitu dengan harga yang lebih murah $ 25 per bulan hingga $ 200 per bulan.

b. Alternatives to as suggested by the GetApp Community

Dan masih banyak lagi. See more..

Dari versi Competitor kedua ini yang lebih mendekati adalah sebagai berikut:

1. Wildapricot, review lebih lanjut tentang Wildapricot dapat dilihat disini..

2. Kemudian disusul oleh Firmwater LMS ,terdapat Free Trial 2 Weeks dan request demos. Untuk harga dari Firmwater LMS yaitu dimulai dari $295 /month. Customer dari Firmwater LMS yaitu Lactation Education Resources, Channels Enablers,dll. See more..

3. Dan aMember Pro.Terdapat request Demo tetapi tidak terdapat Free Trialnya. Harga aMember Professional yaitu $179.95.  aMember Pro memiliki partner seperti membership academy dan post affiliate pro. See more..

c. Dilihat dari 40 AMS Vendor

JIka kita lihat dari 40 AMS Vendor selain Wildapricot yang menjadi competitor Yourmembership, terdapat salah satu unggulan menurut saya yaitu :

1. Timberlake Membership Software dengan harga dimulai dari $295bulan, menurut saya cukup mahal. Di dalam Timberlake MS terdapat request Demo, tetapi tidak terdapat Free Trialnya. Timberlake MS memiliki partner yaitu Higher Logic social networking collaboration community, Peach new media, All academic incoporated, dan sage payment solution. Read more..

2. Kemudian Starchapter dengan harga dimulai dari $85 / bulan. Terdapat request Demo, tetapi tidak terdapat Free Trial. Customer dari Starchapter seperti AMC institute,US Chamber of Commerce dll, testimonialnya  bisa dilihat disini..

3. Lalu Membersuite  dengan harga $250/bulan per user juga cukup mahal. Didalam membersuite terdapat Free Trial 2 weeks dan Demos. Customer dari Membersuite adalah Consortium of Graduate Studies. Read more..



Menurut pendapat saya berdasarkan hasil analisa diatas, yang paling cocok sebagai competitor dari Yourmembership adalah Timberlake Membership Software, alasannya terdapat pada kalimat ini “We are dedicated to helping our clients streamline the many aspects of their membership management, financials and e-commerce, event registration, committees, continuing education, directories, website, reporting and more.” see more..

Didalam Timberlake Membership Software juga terdapat request demo, namun tidak terdapat free trialnya. Tetapi mengingat Timberlake Membership Software sama mahalnya dengan Yourmembership, lebih baik kita memilih Wildapricot, karena Wildapricot juga termasuk salah satu AMS education. Untuk melihat Review sebelumnya tentang Wildapricot dapat dilihat disini..

Association Management System

Business intelligence ( BI) Apa artinya untuk Membership dan Marketing?

Business intelligence ( BI ) adalah proses manajemen untuk menggunakan data untuk membuat keputusan . Dengan kata lain pengambilan keputusan berbasis data atau fakta, seperti menggunakan data untuk membantu membuat keputusan dan meningkatkan bisnis Anda .

Sedangkan software merupakan bagian dari persamaan BI , harus jelas bahwa BI adalah proses manajemen yang dapat mendukung perangkat lunak . Ini berarti bahwa BI tidak memerlukan investasi yang besar dalam perangkat lunak BI dan konsultasi . Read more..

Association management system/ membership software adalah sebuah computer software solution yang menyediakan asosiasi, clubs dan organisasi Membership lainnya dengan fungsi yang mereka butuhkan untuk memberikan layanan kepada  members. Read more..

Association Management Software (AMS) Vendor

Terdapat lebih dari 40 Vendor yang berbeda – beda (Read more), disini saya hanya menjelaskan 3 jenis AMS saja yang berhubungan dengan Membership. yaitu sebagai berikut:

1. Memberclicks

MemberClicks menawarkan semua alat yang organisasi butuhkan untuk membuat web . Dari database online dan pendaftaran  ke website yang dirancang khusus dan member communities , produk kami dibuat khusus untuk organisasi dengan 1 – 10 anggota staf.


  • Your Membership, Easily Managed On The Web
  • Streamline Everything With Online Registrations & Payments
  • A Website & Community To Wow Your Membership. Read more..

Membership Application Form

Members are added to groups in your database via the application form, making it one of the most important form types available. Application forms are the only form type that can add a user(s) to a group or change a user from one group to another. This form is also often used to establish a profile and assign it an expiration date, allowing for the automated renewal process. See more..

1. Costumizing The Admin Home Page, See more..

2. Admin Home Overview, See more..

3. Logged In For front end User and Administrator, See more..

Untuk melihat Website Management Klik Disini

Memberclicks Video from Youtube

2. Yourmembership

Menghubungkan siswa, orang tua , guru dan alumni dengan komunitas online yang menarik dan terintegrasi dengan Website . Yourmembership dipercaya oleh lebih dari 2.800 organisasi dan 20.000.000 anggota .

Here’s whats you get:

  • Website and domain
  • Group,Commiteess and Boards
  • Alumni Directory and Profile
  • Event Management
  • Online Dues Processing
  • Advances Analytics and Dashboard, dan masih banyak lagi.. Read more..

Product Tour

Terdapat product tour yang terdapat di Yourmembership,yaitu sebagai berikut:

      • Complete Alumni Website + Online Community
      • Alumni directory&profiles
      • Blogs,wikis+forums
      • Chapters, Groups + Committees
      • Event, Reunion + Conference Registrations Executive Dashboard
      • Executive Dashboard
      • Online Dues Processing
      • Event, Reunion + Conference Management
      • CMS + eMarketing Suite
      • Powerful Reporting

Features include:

      • Complete member community
      • Online dues collection
      • Career + volunteer networking
      • Groups + chapters
      • Membership management solutions
      • Conference + event management
      • Professional + social networking
      • Blogs + wiki… and more.

Contact Yourmembership

Untuk melihat contact Yourmembership silahkan klik disini..


Untuk melihat Video tentang Yourmembership klik disini…

Cient Yourmembership

Client yang telah menggunakan membership dapat dilihat disini..

Yourmembership Video from Youtube

3. Wildapricot

Wild Apricot fully automates the application process. Create a web-based form where applicants can provide all the information you need. And customize application processing rules to suit your needs, including discount codes and required approvals. You can also offer group memberships for families, teams, and companies, and let group administrators manage their own members.

Menambahkan member directory ke dalam website anda. Read more..

Video Tutorial

Untuk melihat video – video tutorial dari Wildapricot, klik disini..

Wildapricot Videos from Youtube


Memberclick, Yourmembership dan Wildapricot merupakan produk dari Association Management Software (AMS). Di dalam ketiga AMS tersebut sama – sama memiliki fitur – fitur  membership management serta keunggulan – keunggulannya. Tetapi menurut saya dilihat dari websitenya Yourmembership dan Wildapricot memiliki keungggulan yang sepadan, kemudian disusul oleh Memberclicks. Kemudian kita harus memilih manakah yang paling user friendly and easy to used di antara ketiga product tersebut.

1. Di dalam Memberclicks tidak dijelaskan Trial dan demos nya. Dan Memberclicks merupakan product yang berbayar, for payment Memberclicks about $199 dapat dilihat disini..

2. Didalam Yourmembership untuk melihat demosnya harus mengisi form terlebih dahulu, saya sudah mencoba request namun belum dikirimkan demosnya. Kemudian tidak dijelaskan apakah Yourmembership itu free atau berbayar.

3. Didalam wildapricot saya sedang mencoba Free trialnya bisa dilihat disini.. Untuk demos dapat dilihat disini.. Di dalam Wildapricot juga menawarkan product yang Free dan berbayar. Untuk Free bisa dilihat disini.. dan untuk yang berbayar bisa dilihat disini..

Kemudian Memberclicks, Yourmembership, dan Wildapricot bukan termasuk opensource, tetapi merupakan gabungan dari All-in-one Membership Software ( Membership Management Software + Membership Website Software ). Read more..

Terima Kasih.

SugarCRM and vTiger: Comparative Review

In our top 10 CRM software we had mentioned two widely used open source CRM softwareSugarCRM and vTiger. There has been much altercation over the fact that vTiger will become the SugarCRM alternative in the CRM space. vtiger CRM was actually forked from Sugar CRM designed to create a fully open source CRM that would offer functionality comparable to vtiger has undergone significant improvements over the years and is one of the leading CRM software now. Although vTiger shares several common features with Sugar, it includes a few propriety extensions. We decided to bring the two major open source CRM solutions face-to-face.

When comparing between Sugar CRM and vtiger CRM it needs to be taken into account that the later is designed to fit the small and medium organizations. Let’s have an comparative overview before moving onto core competencies.

Sugar CRM offers wide ranging feature-set for business processes, focusing on marketing effectiveness, enhancement of sales performance, and providing executive insight into business performance. The CRM solution is a preferred choice for organizations of all sizes across a broad range of industries for its collaboration and administration capabilities to adapt how their company operates.  Sugar’s mobile solutions translates to less downtime and greater productivity. With the Flexible Delivery Model, there are no constraints around deployment.   SugarCRM is based on the open source LAMPS platform: Linux or Windows, Apache or IIS, MySQL, PHP, and SugarCRM. Moreover, Sugar CRM integrates e-mail and calendar information with Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, and several additional email clients. This ensures that the company’s  communications are centralized and always coordinated.

vtiger has been designed to manage Inventory Management activities effectively, including sales force,  marketing automation, customer support and service, and procurement. In vtiger the software such as Apache, MySQL, and PHP are integrated. The executables in vtiger are available for both Linux and WIndows operating systems. vtiger provides open source add-ons for Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla/Thunderbird, Microsoft Word, and Customer Portal. These make it more user-friendly for the end-users. The CRM software allows pre-sales and post-sales activities to be integrated in a single application.

Coming down to the comparative features


For the non-techies Sugar CRM installation could be a hassle, but the installation is simpler than vtiger. One of the major problems with vtiger installation is that it cannot populate its database during installation.

Loading time

Sugar Suite loads slower than the vtiger. Sugar CRM also has a resource consuming upgrade process.

User Interface

Sugar CRM’s offers a customizable UI. However, vtiger comes with a much more simple and intuitive AJAX based user interface.

Ease of use

vTiger is the extremely easy to use and the most flexible solution for small businesses. Although Sugar CRM gives an impression of flexibility with several downloadable modules in their community, . Majority of the modules only work on older versions. It gives loads of errors when you try to use the ones that should work to streamline the CRM functionality. Especially some of the standard features like quoting and invoicing are not included.

Adding Modules

Sugar CRM offers easy installation of modules with an installer to add new modules.
vTiger scores over Sugar CRM in diversity of modules.

Administration area

Sugar CRM has great capabilities when it comes to administration area. It offers a wide variety of options and tools in the admin area.
vtiger misses out some basic features that were build-in Sugar such as the custom fields.


When comparing the code base Sugar surpasses vtiger. Sugar’s has a clean and tidy code base. The open source architecture provides 100% visible source code for easy customization. This allows you to do things faster on Sugar than on vtiger.


Sugar CRM is a great concept that leads to several issues which are harder to track as the # changes.

PHP modifications

Vtiger is a better option for those working with PHP. Every CRM has a learning curve, but those with strong command in PHP.

Emailing Campaign

Sugar CRM offers wider ambit for creating different types of email marketing campaign. Moreover, when you create an email campaign, you can execute it through Sugar and view statistics to measure its success. Sugar allows the marketing managers design. vtiger has some serious shortcomings regarding email campaign module. It isn’t user-friendly at all.

Importing data

SugarCRM’s has an edge over vtiger with an update feature that allows for messaging post-upload.


Sugar CRM offers more online support with several third party add-ons and additional tools. Unlike vTiger, all the add-ons for Sugar CRM is not free and has to be ordered additionally. vtiger offers free open source add-ons for Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla/Thunderbird, Microsoft Word, and Customer Portal that makes it more user-friendly.


Overall Sugar CRM shows better stability and scalability as compared to vTiger. For the coders Sugar could always be a better CRM option. It also offers more features, more support, larger community and larger user base, these might be some of the reasons to go for Sugar CRM.  vTiger includes most of the features in SugarCRM, however, it is more focused on small business management solutions rather than being a CRM centric solution.

From: Gaea Times Technology


Dari penjelasan dalam bahasa Inggris di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa secara keseluruhan SugarCRM menunjukan Stabilitas dan Skalabilitas yang lebih baik dibandingkan dengan VTiger, yaitu SugarCRM memiliki lebih banyak fitur, pengguna dan komunitas yang lebih besar. Fitur – fitur yang terdapat pada VTiger meliputi sebagian besar fitur yang terdapat pada SugarCRM. Tetapi untuk userfriendly and easy to uesed lebih dominan pada VTiger.

Kemudian apakah pilihan akan ditujukan kepada opensource yang terbaik atau kemudahaan dalam penggunaannya?

Seperti komentar di bawah ini:

Berdasarkan komentar dan pendapat di atas saya kemukakan bahwa lebih baik kita memilih VTiger yang lebih user friendly and easy to used. Karena untuk kedepannya pemakai atau user lebih dari satu orang sehingga lebih bagus untuk memilih yang lebih user friendly dan dapat di implementasikan dengan baik. Tetapi saya belum memiliki perbandingan fitur – fitur yang ada, dikarenakan untuk menjangkau hal tersebut harus  download dan hosting terlebih dahulu, sedangkan saya tidak memiliki akses ke database hingga hosting.

Demikian penjelasan dari saya, mohon maaf apabila masih terdapat kekurangan. Terima Kasih.

About vtiger

Drive Better Results

Whether it’s managing marketing program ROI at a high level, or nurturing specific lead segments with targeted email campaigns, let Vtiger help you segment, communicate with, and record campaign performance and engagement down to who opened what email, so that you have the information you need to make better decisions.

Win More Deals
Empower your sales teams with tools that help them learn more about your customers, spend more time on high value activities, and build lasting customer relationships from anywhere in the world.
Delight More Customers
Great customer service means staying on top of customer requests in various stages, across a number of channels. Provide a great customer experience by using Vtiger tools to aggregate and track all your requests, access and update them from anywhere, and to professionalize the face of your customer service organization.
Features & Benefits
Vtiger is more than just a CRM. With built-in solutions that range from email marketing, to activity and project management and beyond, Vtiger CRM On Demand truly is a one-stop organization management solution for most businesses

Vtiger Extensions

Enhance what Vtiger can do for you with plugins that drive data to the software your business needs to run. Click on any of the plugins below for more information on how to get set up.
Vtiger CRM Case Studies

Contus logo


Contus improved conversion rates by 30%, and monthly revenue by $70,000 with Vtiger CRM On Demand.  Read the case

eLobe 5


eLobe increased lead engagement by 25% with Vtiger CRM On Demand. Read the case

vtiger CRM Pricing

Klik here to know the price..

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